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< prev - next > Food processing Juices and drinks KnO 100264_Mixed fruit juice (Printable PDF)
This is a recipe for a mixed fruit (ready to drink) juice, using pineapple and passion fruit.
Passion fruit has a very strong, sharp flavour, which complements pineapple juice as this is
rather weak in taste and colour. The yield of juice from whole passion fruit is approximately
30-35% and the juice has a pH from 2.6-3.0. The larger fruits give a better yield. The yield for
pineapple is approximately 30% and the pH of the juice varies 3.4-4.1. The Mauritius variety
has the best flavoured juice, but the Kewpine variety gives better yields. Pineapples contain the
enzyme Bromelain. This is a proteolytic enzyme (breaks down proteins) which can cause
problems for peoples' hands which are in contact with the juice for long periods during cutting
operations. Gloves should therefore be worn and washed each day.
Passion fruit juice
Pineapple juice
Sodium benzoate
0.0188% (188ppm)
Benzoic acid is a preservative, which is added to the juice in the form of the salt sodium
benzoate. (188ppm of sodium benzoate will give 160ppm of Benzoic acid.) Preservatives are
controlled by legal limits, these limits vary from country to country and should be checked at
your Bureau of Standards.
Wash whole passion fruits in clean water and discard any bad fruits.
Cut fruits in half with a stainless steel knife and scoop out pulp with stainless steel spoon.
Extract the juice from the pulp by liquidising the pulp at a very low speed (this stops the
chipping of the seeds, which turn out as black specks in the juice, they are very hard to remove
and look like dirt) for about one minute. Tip the contents into a muslin cloth and squeeze out
the juice leaving the seeds behind. Liquidise the juice only, at high speed, this reduces the
particle size and so helps to reduce settling in the final product.
Remove stalks and tops from the pineapple fruits, cut off the outer cortex and pick out the
'eyes'. Cut the fruit into pieces, discarding any fruit which is bad.
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